Thursday, February 4, 2010

still moody...

I'm still moody.
Had some setbacks with working out.
My husband's work schedule has made me choose between spending time with him or getting fit.

So I have been choosing time with the husband....

And I don't know WHY I am moody and that bugs me...

But I am....and I am annoying even myself. I'm real fun to live with lately.

You know that when you're stressed, your body releases cortisol....and I must be pumping it like an oil well...I got some stress, oh yeah. But who doesn't? It's just another excuse.....and I know it.

My stress? My husband's job might be relocating him. Far from where we live.
As in across the country....
I like new places, but I am worried about so much change....

(I do wanna get skinnier before we move though.....)

Last year, I did this

Fat Flush Diet

and I think I'm going to do it again......It was very effective. And I need something to jump start this process....and I'm going to do my Wii every day, and work out at the gym 4x weekly. Gonna try this for a month....I need something...

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